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    Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB)

    The procedure involves creating a small stomach pouch (approximately 30 ml) by stapling a small portion of the stomach and separating it from the rest. This smaller pouch is then connected directly to the small intestine, bypassing a large part of the stomach and the first section of the small intestine (the duodenum).

    The reconstruction of the digestive tract forms a “Y” shape, which gives the surgery its name. This rearrangement alters the way food is digested and absorbed by the body.

    It works by both methods i.e. reducing the food intake as well as altering the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Though a more complex operation than the LSG it is a metabolically stronger operation and has better weight maintenance over a long term.

    Technically it is a reversible operation as no part of the stomach, or the intestine is removed from the body.

    FAQ & Info

    The ethos of MetaBariatric Clinic lies in its dedication to empowering individuals to reclaim their health and vitality. With a blend of expertise, empathy, and innovation, the clinic remains a trusted haven for those embarking on their transformative weight loss journey.

    Is gastric bypass surgery safe?

    All surgeries carry some risks – such as infection and bleeding. However, the Temple bariatric surgery team has decades of successful experience performing proven procedures.

    What should I know about weight gain after gastric bypass?

    You can regain weight lost after surgery. Surgery is just part of the picture. Your lifestyle – including what and how often you eat or exercise – affects your results. If you follow your treatment plan, it typically produces good results. You need dedication and commitment to long-term follow-up visits to maintain your new weight.

    Will I have hair loss after gastric bypass?

    Temporary hair thinning can happen during rapid weight loss. Hair should re-grow once your weight stabilizes. Avoid hair treatments, and eat plenty of protein. Supplements may help.

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